north devon journal deaths

It was attempted to be shewn that HONEY was labouring under the influence of temporary derangement when he committed the fatal act. A surgeon was called in, who examined the body; he stated that he found the cavity of the chest full of blood, which arose from the rupture of a large blood-vessel in the chest, occasioned (he thought) by violent vomiting, and the agitated state of mind in which the deceased appeared to have been in; that the wound in the collar bone was superficial, and not possible to occasion death: and, that his opinion was, the rupture of the blood vessel had caused her death. An Inquest was taken before James Partridge, Esq. Verdict - Died by the Visitation of God.Thursday 25 October 1832 An Inquest was held by Thomas Copner, Esq., Coroner, on Tuesday last, on the body of JOHN RICHARDS, at Linton, aged upwards of 70 years, who when walking up the hill on the road from Linton to Brendon, where he resided, suddenly dropt down, and rolling over the tremendous cliffs, he descended to an awful depth, falling from rock to rock till he reached the bottom, where he was taken up with his chest broken, and several of his ribs fractured; the vital spark had not entirely left him, but he survived only a few hours. That the conduct of the said MARY and her mother is highly censurable.BARNSTAPLE - Sudden Death. Verdict, "Died by the Visitation of God.Thursday 14 May 1829 Inquest. MR ROBERT PIERCE, statuary and mason, Bartholomew-place, in this city, terminated his existence on Monday morning by cutting his throat with a razor. Hopping was so severely hurt as to render it a matter of great doubt whether he will ever recover, and FOWLER saved himself by hanging to the window of the house to which the scaffold was affixed. The Coroner then adjourned the Inquest till Saturday one o'clock. Charles Thomas Hannaford being sworn and examined, stated that he is apprentice to Mr Mackrell, and has known deceased about two years and a half. He retired to bed a quarter before Eleven on Saturday night, and she saw no more of him till she found him in the state above described on Sunday morning. There were also two black marks on her forehead. "BARNSTAPLE - An Inquest was held on Tuesday last, before William Law, Esq., Coroner, on the body of GRACE CORDUROY, aged 77, who resided in Sion Place, in this town; the deceased had been in a declining state of health for some time, and had recently betrayed an aberration of intellect. "Inquests Held by T. Copner, Esq. Crowds attended the Jury to the spot, where, in a moment of frenzy, he committed the act of self-destruction, and a more dreadful death could not be conceived. The Coroner and a Jury of between 12 and 24 persons, usually men of substantial standing, were empanelled to examine the body, hear witnesses, and the Jury then to come to a Verdict as to Cause of Death. Mr Jameson's family paid tribute to the "warm and loving father, grandfather and husband". N. Cole, of Whitstone, in returning, on Thursday last, with a waggon heavily laden with dung, by some accident fell under the wheels when descending a hill, and was so dreadfully crushed, that he died in a few minutes. Verdict - Natural Death.Sudden Death - On Tuesday, a man of the parish of Braunton, called PHILIP LAMPREY, about thirty years of age, in perfect health, was at work with a horse and cart; some time in the afternoon, a person passing the spot of his labour, discovered him lying in the road, a corpse. A Juror enquired if any altercation had transpired between the deceased and any member of the family? But thanks to you, he knows the hospice will be there to look after his family now and at the end of his journey per night was allowed. A Coroner's Inquest was held on the body, which returned a verdict, "Hung himself in a fit of Insanity. The North Devon Journal Obituaries - Ancestry Verdict - Accidental Death.Thursday 1 November 1827 EXETER - Suicide. Elections in a Devon council ward have been suspended after the death of a candidate. By the evidence it appeared that the deceased was in the employ of Mr Brown, a miller of Branscombe. In a dressing room adjoining, which the deceased was wont to term his armoury, was a dirk, a sabre, a fowling piece, a helmet, and several other articles, with which he used to amuse himself. The rags were ordered by the Coroner to be removed, which was deemed absolutely necessary from the mass of foul matter adhering to them.Thursday 26 January 1832 On Saturday last, an Inquest was held by Thomas Copner, Esq., Coroner, on the body of GEORGIANA IRWIN, of the parish of Marwood, aged 6 years, who accidentally caught her clothes on fire, on Thursday last, and was so severely burnt, as to cause her death on the following day. - On Thursday evening last, a man of this town named WILLIAM JONES, young in years, but having a wife now enciente, left his home to spend Christmas with his friends at Ilfracombe; and on his way thither he called at the public house at Prixford, where he drank rather freely; from thence he proceeded to Guineaford-pool, and at the public-house in that village he drank still more, till he became intoxicated, and quarrelling with a man he there met with, they fought for some time; from thence he pursued his way towards Ilfracombe, and at day-light the following morning he was seen a little below Twopotts Turnpike Gate, reclining on the bank by the roadside; a person passing by spoke to him, to whom he said, as well as he was capable of articulating, "take me to Ilfracombe;" thither he was accordingly conveyed, and in the course of the forenoon expired - the wretched victim of dissipation and intemperance. At that time he was labouring under symptoms of concussion of the brain, for which proper remedies were used, but subsequently he was attacked by convulsions; after which other symptoms of compression of the brain came on, and he expired at about 2 o'clock. and a verdict of Accidental Death returned.Thursday 13 August 1829 PLYMOUTH - An Inquest was held on Tuesday, at the Workhouse, by R. J. Squire, Esq. In consequence of rumours that had arisen relative to the suddenness of her death, Mr March, surgeon, had opened the body, and his evidence before the Jury was to the effect that the stomach of the deceased was entirely empty, and in a high state of inflammation, and that her death was occasioned by the excessive use of ardent spirits, and the absence of nutritive food. Mr Jameson stood as a parliamentary candidate for Poplar and Limehouse in London in the 2019 general election. Verdict - Died by the Visitation of God.At Widworthy, on the body of JOHN HARRIS, labourer, aged 77. Please check your inbox and click the link to confirm your subscription. An Inquest has been held on the body, and a verdict returned of "Accidental Death. The Jury, after obtaining all the evidence that was possible in the case, returned a verdict of Accidental Death.Thursday 23 July 1835 Inquests held by T. Copner, Esq. and a respectable Jury, on the body of MARIA LONG, whose death was occasioned by taking arsenic; when, after a long deliberation the Jury returned their verdict, that the death of the deceased was occasioned by taking arsenic, whilst labouring under Temporary Insanity, occasioned by jealousy.Inquests Held by Isaac Cox, Esq. In consequence of some conversation she also had with her master on the subject, it was finally resolved to search the privy, and there a dead male child was found with a strip of cotton counterpane twice tied tight round its neck. Her death was discovered to have been occasioned by the rupture of a blood vessel in her chest. Mr Froud, the clergyman of that parish, whose house he left about four o'clock. She was in the room of her mother, and whilst the latter was turning round to speak to another of her children, she ran over to the fire-place, and drank the hot water from the tea kettle. The child had been ill for some time of the hooping cough, and on the mother retiring in rest on the night of the 24 instant she suckled the infant, who was not then considered in a dangerous state, but on the following morning was discovered to be dead. Deaths. It was stated at this inquest that the uncle of the deceased many years ago in going to the same well to draw water, was so overcome with the nauseous smell emitted from it, that he sickened and never recovered. The sixth is a most incoherent production, blending his wife with his horse, and attributing his diseased mind to blood and nerves, dated 3rd April, and supposed to have been written just before he committed the desperate act, as a new pen was found in his pocket having the appearance of recent use. It was considered the flint entered the body with the ball. On coming to the spot, however, they found it to proceed from some part of the clothing of MR HOSGOOD, which was on fire. The deceased was a very honest trustworthy man, and had been in the employ many years. The mother lived chiefly upon a little bread and tea. It appears evident that MR HARVEY had been labouring under insanity for several months past, and on Wednesday morning, notwithstanding the vigilance of every member of the family, the unhappy man put an end to his existence by hanging himself in the cellar of his own house. She afterwards appeared more rational, and employed herself with sewing. He said that about once a month she has generally had 2 drs. 'An Inquest was held on Tuesday, the 21st instant, by H. Vallack, Esq., at Ashwater, on the body of MR JOHN VEALE, jun., who was killed by a colt rearing and falling back upon him. The Jury returned a Verdict - Temporary Insanity. An Inquest was held on the same day by Mr A. From the whole state of the evidence, the destitution of the woman appears to have been caused through her own obstinacy. A Coroner's Inquest sat on the body, verdict - Visitation of God. Tuesday se? It appeared in the evidence before the Jury, these boys went to the Lime Kiln to warm themselves. The Jury returned a verdict of "Found Drowned, but by what means the deceased came into the water does not appear." You will be sadly missed (nee Balmain) Passed away peacefully on 23rd April 2023, aged 93 years, at (Len) On April 21st 2023, peacefully at RCH, Treliske, Truro. 6d., for the last two weeks 4s., the gentlemen would not allow more. INQUEST - Tuesday an Inquest was held upon the body, at the Royal Hotel, by R. J. Squire, Esq. The medical attendant of the family was immediately sent for, but death had executed its work long before the doctor arrived. Verdict - Accidental Death.Friday 31 August 1827 An Inquest was lately held at Axminster, by Mr Cox, on the body of an illegitimate child, of which a young woman, named MAYBE, aged 19, had delivered herself. An Inquest has been held on the body; and a verdict - Died by the Visitation of God.Friday 27 July 1827 An Inquest was held on Wednesday last, before F. Kingdon, esquire, Coroner, on the body of WILLIAM SAVERY, of Chawley, who fell down dead, as he was going up Chawley Hill, aged 72. Verdict - Accidental Death.Friday 2 March 1827 EXETER - A pauper from the City Workhouse, named WILLIAM STONEMAN, was killed on Friday last, by the fall of a cob wall, he, with four others, was sent to take down on David's hill. Matthew Bolton, executive director of Citizens UK, paid tribute to Mr Jameson's "vision and pioneering work" with the charity. Dr Shapter on submitting the piece of stone to a chemical examination, ascertained it to be a flint similar in all its properties to that which is found on Haldon. SWEETLAND the constable, or tything man is dead. The body was taken on board the Undaunted, in Barn Pool, and every effort was tried to restore animation, without avail. For these reasons he should forbid the proceedings now taking place from being published until the proper time - the time of trial.EXETER - Melancholy Accident. A medical gentleman was promptly procured, who bled his patient, and recommended his immediate removal to his home, where he lingered until Saturday morning, when he expired. Election countdown - Is there a vote in my area? Five candidates were nominated in Burrator, contesting two seats. The assertion was repeated and he gave the young man who made the assertion the lie the second and the third time. It appeared from the evidence of MR MILDRUM, that the deceased and himself had not slept together for several years, and that the room in which deceased usually slept was divided from his (MR M'S) room, by a passage. On Friday last, MR HURFORD was engaged in drawing dressing upon some part of his ground, and the deceased accompanied him; on returning he put her in the cart, and walked by the side of the horse, but on passing through a gateway, the cart, by some accident, upset, and the deceased was thrown out, the cart fell upon her, and she died instantly. Her sufferings were but short, as death soon released her. The inquests into the deaths of two care home residents who died after a boat capsized on a lake have opened and adjourned. Articles taken from North Devon Journal Inquests. MR W. HARE was the son of MR HARE a highly respectable brewer at Stonehouse.Thursday 16 April 1829 An Inquest was held at Dartmouth on Friday last on the body of SAMUEL CUMMINGS, Master of a vessel of Southampton, who was drowned by an accident about two months ago. The doctor corroborated Mr Flexman's statement, and thought the blow which deceased had received on the right side of the chest, was the cause of her death. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites.

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north devon journal deaths